Executive Directors Of The Board

Independent Non - Executive Directors Of The Board

Senior Management

Mr. Tao Wenzhao Mr. Zhao Yuwen Mr. Kwong Wai Sun Wilson

Mr. Tao Wenzhao

Served as Independent Non-Executive Director of SFCE since January 2011

Other positions held by the Group

Remuneration Committee - Members

Audit Committee - Members


Chinese Academy of Sciences - Academician

Associate Editor of the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Heat and Mass Communication

Member of the Computational Heat Transfer Advisory Committee

Xi'an Jiaotong University - Master Degree in Heat Transfer

Xi'an Jiaotong University - Bachelor Degree in Power Machinery and Engineering

Past offices

THT Heat Transfer Technology, Inc. (listed by NASDAQ Stock Exchange) - Independent Director

BEIJING SHOUHANG IHW RESOURCES SAVING TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD (listed by Shenzhen Stock Exchange) - Independent Director