Good corporate governance helps improve overall corporate performance, transparency and accountability, and is important for today's business management. The Board of Directors has always adhered to the principles of corporate governance in the interests of shareholders and is committed to identifying and developing best practices. The Group has established an audit committee and defined the terms of reference and appointed the Chief Financial Officer to oversee the financial reporting process and internal control of the Group. A nomination committee and a remuneration committee have also been established and the terms of reference have been defined.

Board Members

Executive Directors
Mr. Zhang Fubo (Chairman)
Mr. Wang Yu (CEO)
Mr. Lu Bin
Mr. Chen Shi
Independent Non-Executive Directors
Mr. Tao Wenzhao
Mr. Zhao Yuwen
Mr. Kwong Wai Sun Wilson

Other Committees

Audit Committees
Mr. Kwong Wai Sun Wilson (Chairman)
Mr. Tao Wenzhao
Mr. Zhao Yuwen
Remuneration Committees
Mr. Kwong Wai Sun Wilson (Chairman)
Mr. Zhang Fubo
Mr. Tao Wenzhao
Mr. Zhao Yuwen
Nomination Committees
Mr. Zhang Fubo (Chairman)
Mr. Kwong Wai Sun Wilson
Mr. Zhao Yuwen

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