Executive Directors Of The Board

Independent Non - Executive Directors Of The Board

Senior Management

Mr. Tao Wenzhao Mr. Zhao Yuwen Mr. Kwong Wai Sun Wilson

Mr. Kwong Wai Sun Wilson

Served as Independent Non-Executive Director of SFCE since July 2014

Other positions held by the Group

Remuneration Committee - Chairman

Audit Committee - Chairman

Nomination Committee - Members


Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales - Member

Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries - Member

Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Member

University of Cambridge - Bachelor Degree in Arts

Current other Major Positions

China Metal Resources Utilization Co., Ltd. (stock code: 1636) - Independent Non-Executive Director

Thousands of Baidu International Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 1028) - Independent Non-Executive Director

China Apparel Holdings Limited (stock code: 1146) - Independent Non-Executive Director

China New Higher Education Group Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: 2001) - Independent Non-Executive Director

New Oriental Online Technology Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 1797) - Independent Non-Executive Director

Past offices

Investment Bank Jiacheng Asia Co., Ltd. - Director and Head of Stock Capital Markets

CLSA Capital Markets Ltd. - Head of Hong Kong and China Equity Capital Markets, Managing Director of Investment Banking